Counseling for Anxiety in Colorado Springs, CO

Find Relief and Room to Breathe

Overwhelmed. Missing Out. Constantly Analyzing. Hard to Relax.

Your mind races and jumps from thought-to-thought. It feels uncontrollable. Your heart beats out of your chest, and it feels hard to catch your breath like you’re drowning in stress. 

You can make a million lists but never feel like you are accomplishing those tasks and are way behind at work or at home.  Every task feels too big.

You tell yourself not to compare yourself to others, but can’t follow through on that, and you are definitely not where you thought you’d be at this point in life. 

You can name all of the possible outcomes for situations, play out every scenario in your mind, can’t take action, and just feel plain stuck in worry.

It feels like anxiety is ruling your life and affecting your physical body to the core. You are experiencing headaches, can’t get your neck to relax, your stomach aches, and you have no appetite.

Is Anxiety Running Your Life?

Anxiety is real and intrusive by nature. Your mind just doesn’t know how to manage this barrage of threats, fears, worries except for to enter survival mode, which causes you to feel like anxiety is running your life.  

If you don’t learn how to take care of this, you will reach burnout.  This isn’t sustainable. You may be tempted to try (or already have) to use other, temporary solutions to quiet the noise, but then your thought cycle returns with full vengeance in the morning. You could lose everything that is important to you, including your closest relationships. 

You can’t function as your best self without getting to the ROOT of your anxiety.

There is full relief and a solution to where your worry lies right now. You can find grounding in your internal world and feel confident to make decisions and accomplish important goals.

Uproot and End Anxiety.

Anxiety can present and feel different for different people; ranging from consistent worry to irritability that presents as anger.  There is usually an original belief or experience that serves as the root to this worry. Once the root is found, the entire tree can be uprooted.  

Your brain is just doing what it has been programmed to do - survive. You have likely entered flight or fight response due to the perception of danger, and these repeated thoughts have created an automatic response to continue this cycle. 

These learned, now automatic, functions of anxiety have become habits in your life, creating core beliefs around the need to be perfect or constantly on guard in order to protect yourself.

Therapy will help you uncover the core experience that created the anxiety in the first place. You won’t just learn how to “trim the tree branches” or keep managing the symptoms. You will learn how to identify the thoughts that trigger you, how to be present with your emotions, how to identify unmet needs, and how to change components of relationships or work that contribute to how you feel on a daily basis. 

You will be equipped to make lasting changes that will bring relief to the internal dialogue.

Life Without Anxiety.

There will be relief and room to breathe. You will find peace and rest at the end of the day.  You will see yourself accomplishing goals that have been in your list of ‘maybe one days’, and you will begin to believe in your true potential in life.

You will feel confident in yourself and able to develop a real passion for work, marriage, or parenting again. You will engage with friends, go out to restaurants, and drive without panic. You may even initiate conversation and feel like you can come alongside others at work, rather than comparing.  

Your body will alert you when there is something to worry about, and you will be able to release the tension from your muscles.

Achieve the Change You Desire.

We know how to support you in experiencing relief from anxiety.  Our therapists are trained in body-based interventions that help you not only relieve the thoughts that cause anxiety, but also relieve the anxiety from the cells of your body. One of the best parts about being a therapist is seeing real results with clients. 

We know, up until this point, that it has been hard to imagine a life without a racing mind, comparison, and stress but you can finally feel relief.

You deserve to live in peace. To feel confident in yourself. And to have life with joy and abundance.

You CAN do this work to be in tune with your body in a productive way.  

This is where you draw a line in the sand and decide that enough is enough - I do want to achieve what is in my heart.

Overwhelmed. Missing Out. Constantly Analyzing. Hard to Relax.

Your mind races and jumps from thought-to-thought. It feels uncontrollable. Your heart beats out of your chest, and it feels hard to catch your breath like you’re drowning in stress. 

You can make a million lists but never feel like you are accomplishing those tasks and are way behind at work or at home.  Every task feels too big.

You tell yourself not to compare yourself to others, but can’t follow through on that, and you are definitely not where you thought you’d be at this point in life. 

You can name all of the possible outcomes for situations, play out every scenario in your mind, can’t take action, and just feel plain stuck in worry.

Is Anxiety Running Your Life?

Anxiety is real and intrusive by nature. Your mind just doesn’t know how to manage this barrage of threats, fears, worries except for to enter survival mode, which causes you to feel like anxiety is running your life.  

If you don’t learn how to take care of this, you will reach burnout.  This isn’t sustainable. You may be tempted to try (or already have) to use other, temporary solutions to quiet the noise, but then your thought cycle returns with full vengeance in the morning. You could lose everything that is important to you, including your closest relationships. 

You can’t function as your best self without getting to the ROOT of your anxiety.

There is full relief and a solution to where your worry lies right now. You can find grounding in your internal world and feel confident to make decisions and accomplish important goals.

Uproot and End Anxiety.

Anxiety can present and feel different for different people; ranging from consistent worry to irritability that presents as anger.  There is usually an original belief or experience that serves as the root to this worry. Once the root is found, the entire tree can be uprooted.  

Your brain is just doing what it has been programmed to do - survive. You have likely entered flight or fight response due to the perception of danger, and these repeated thoughts have created an automatic response to continue this cycle. 

These learned, now automatic, functions of anxiety have become habits in your life, creating core beliefs around the need to be perfect or constantly on guard in order to protect yourself.

Therapy will help you uncover the core experience that created the anxiety in the first place. You won’t just learn how to “trim the tree branches” or keep managing the symptoms. You will learn how to identify the thoughts that trigger you, how to be present with your emotions, how to identify unmet needs, and how to change components of relationships or work that contribute to how you feel on a daily basis. 

You will be equipped to make lasting changes that will bring relief to the internal dialogue.

Life Without Anxiety.

There will be relief and room to breathe. You will find peace and rest at the end of the day.  You will see yourself accomplishing goals that have been in your list of ‘maybe one days’, and you will begin to believe in your true potential in life.

You will feel confident in yourself and able to develop a real passion for work, marriage, or parenting again. You will engage with friends, go out to restaurants, and drive without panic. You may even initiate conversation and feel like you can come alongside others at work, rather than comparing.  

Your body will alert you when there is something to worry about, and you will be able to release the tension from your muscles.

Achieve the Change You Desire.

We know how to support you in experiencing relief from anxiety.  Our therapists are trained in body-based interventions that help you not only relieve the thoughts that cause anxiety, but also relieve the anxiety from the cells of your body. One of the best parts about being a therapist is seeing real results with clients. 

We know, up until this point, that it has been hard to imagine a life without a racing mind, comparison, and stress but you can finally feel relief.

You deserve to live in peace. To feel confident in yourself. And to have life with joy and abundance.

You CAN do this work to be in tune with your body in a productive way.  

This is where you draw a line in the sand and decide that enough is enough - I do want to achieve what is in my heart.

To get started, click the button below or give me a call at

(719) 419-3939, and let’s get begin on your journey!